Photo-60 Studio

How to Prepare Slides and Negative for Scanning

Step 1


First, remove your slides from circular carousels : Each slide carousel holds about 150 slides. Photo-60 recommends that you take your slides out of their circular carousels because it costs less to ship the slides without the carousels. However, if time is an issue, you can send the slides in the circular carousels, but we have a $9.95 surcharge for each slide carousel.


Place your grouped negatives into an envelope(s) : One of the greatest things about getting negatives scanned is that they are so easy to package and ship. Simply place the negatives/envelopes in Ziploc bags – the bags keep the moisture off the film when it is sent from your home or office to Photo-60. If your negatives are sitting in a portfolio binder, just send the entire binder. Our team will take the negatives out of the plastic sleeves and scan the negatives. Once scanned, we will then put the negatives back in the sleeves in the order they were received.

Step 2

Place the slides into rectangular boxes or stack and wrap them in rubber bands : Old aluminum foil or Saran Wrap boxes make excellent containers for slides. Also, you can stack the slides and keep them together with two sets of rubber bands.

Step 3

You may want to think about organizing your slides or negatives into groups :

Slides : If your slides are already organized in groups, you can label each group. When we scan the images, we will create individual folders for that slide scanning group. For example, you could label one set of slides as “Swiss Alps” and another set of slides as “Florida 1985”. If your slides are sitting in a portfolio binder, just send the entire binder. Our team will take the slides out of the plastic sleeves and scan them. Once scanned, we will then put the slides back in the sleeves in the order they were received.

Negatives : If your negatives are already organized in envelope groups, you can label each group. When we scan the images, we will create individual folders for that group. For example, you could label one set of negatives as “16th birthday” and another set of negatives as “Baby Pictures”. If your negatives are sitting in a portfolio binder, just send the entire binder. Our team will take the negatives out of the plastic sleeves and scan the negatives. Once scanned, we will then put the negatives back in the sleeves in the order they were received.

Step 4

Place your grouped slides or negatives into ZiplocTM bags : If you are wrapping the slides with rubber bands, we recommend you place the groups of slides in ZiplocTM bags. The plastic bags protect the slides & negatives from moisture. They also keep the slides & negatives organized during transit. If you are sending your slides in the carousel box, and paying the surcharge, you do not need to place these boxes in ZiplocTM bags. However, they do make ZiplocTM bags that are large enough for carousel boxes.

Step 5

Place the Ziplocs into a sturdy shipping box : This is an important step – you must ensure that you use boxes designed for shipping. We occasionally receive orders shipped in garment boxes that come from Macy’s or Nordstrom – these are unacceptable for shipping your precious slides. We recommend that you use boxes from your local UPS store, Kinko’s, or an office products store. In addition, you may be able to get a box from your office shipping department.

Step 6

Send Everthing to us
Send us your slides or negatives with the downloaded Voucher. For customers shipping to us, ship to the following address 2602 Morse Lane, Woodbridge Va 22192. If you would like to drop off your order you can do so at the same address As above. Please be sure to supply adequate packing materials and protection for your materials to avoid damage during transportation. Please use a reliable and traceable shipping service (USPS, FedEx, UPS, DHL).

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