Photo-60 Studio

Prepaid Photo Scanning Box

For a Limited Time Get 25% Off Your First Pre-Paid Photo Box with Coupon Code: “SCANMYPHOTOS”
Photo Scanning Service

What is the Prepaid Photo Box?

We all have thousands of photos laying around the house or in shoeboxes that we want to digitize for easy sharing and archiving reason. The Prepaid Photo Box is an easy solution to get massive amounts of loose photos* scanned and digitized onto a DVD, USB or external Hard Drive.

Bascially you fill up as many photos as you can that will fit inside a USPS Medium Rate Box (top loading, size 11-1/4″ x 8-3/4″ x6″).This service not only includes the scanning but also Scan in Order, Scan Photos Into Folders, Various Sizes and all shipping is included.

Priority Mail box

Where do I get the Box from?

Once the order is placed online, we will ship you a photo scanning box that includes a Medium Flat Rate Box (top loading, size 11-1/4″ x 8-3/4″ x 6″) with attached shipping label, and instructions on how to organize your photos for scanning. The box holds about 1800 4×6 photos or 2000 3.5×5 photos. We can scan photos as small as 2.5×3.5 wallet size to as big as an 8×10.
Organize Your Photos

Organize Your Photos.

Then Organize your photos that you want scanned according to our GUIDELINES. Click Here On How to Organize Photos for Scanning

Photo Scanning Service

Order the Prepaid Photo Scanning Service Online

You can order this service online by clicking here or on the photo. Once you have placed your order within 24hrs we will ship you a Photo Scanning Box kit. Place your organized photos into the Prepaid Photo Scanning Box, that comes with an already attached shipping label. Tape the box up securely and hand the box to your Mailman. For Local Customers just drop off the Box at our retail location.

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