Photo Restoration Services
No matter what’s wrong with your photo, we’ve seen it before. And we’ve fixed it. Photo-60 can restore glass negatives, tin types, daguerreotype, World War I and II panoramic military photos, large format negatives and oval prints.
Memories are priceless, and what is a photograph but a frozen moment in time? Children grow up, and loved ones are lost. But with our photo restoration services, those moments live on. Even though nobody restores more photos then Photo-60 Studio, every photo is precious to us. We treat your photos with the care a family heirloom deserves.
So, get those precious photos out of the shoebox and take them to Photo-60 Studio.
Still not convinced? Read on to see how easy it is to get that photo out of the junk drawer and onto the mantle.
3 Easy Steps
Get that priceless photo out of your attic, junk drawer or shoebox o’ keepsakes. Break the rubber bands, shake off the dust, pick up the pieces and snap a picture of it with your smartphones camera. Email the photo for an estimate to [email protected]. In the email’s subject line type “Photo Restoration Estimate”. You can also bring in the photograph for an estimate to our retail location at 2602 Morse Lane, Woodbridge VA 22192 . Photo-60 photo professionals will answer all your questions and help you place your order. To speak to a photo restoration specialist call 571-572-3026.
If you plan on shipping your photos out for professional Photo Restoration please fill out this ORDER FORM CLICK HERE and place it in the envelope or box that you’re shipping.