Photo-60 Studio

U.S. Passport Photos

Fast. Convenient Professional. Passport Photos

We’ll take your ID photo and have it ready in minutes!

Now there’s a place that takes studio quality passport photos. Rely on the photo staff at Photo-60 Studio for perfectly sized, professional-quality passport photos — on the exact paper required by government regulations.

Photo-60 Setup
Photo-60 positions light sources on both sides of subject to avoid shadows on face.
Photo-60 uses a light source to illuminate background behind subject to avoid shadows in background.


How many passport photos are required to be submitted with the passport application?
Two (2) identical photos must be submitted with the passport application.
How many photographs are required to be submitted with the visa application?

One (1) photograph of the visa applicant must be submitted with each visa application (following the instructions in this Photography Guide).

What type of paper are the passport photographs printed on?
The photos are printed on Kodak Royal photo-quality paper.
Do the passport photos have to be in color?
Yes, the photos to must be in color.
How recent must the passport photos be?
The photos must be no older than 6 months.
How big must the passport photos be?
The photos must measure exactly 2 inches by 2 inches.
What pose should the passport photos show?
The passport photo should show a clear, front view, full face of the customer. The customer should be in normal street attire, without hat or dark glasses against a plain white or off-white background. The customer should have a natural expression, mouth closed, and eyes open and looking directly ahead. Photos in which the face of the person being photographed is not in focus will not be accepted.
How big should the head be in the passport photo?
The customer’s head, measured from the bottom of the chin to the top of the hair, should be between 1 inch and 1-3/8 inches. The head should be centered in the photo. The head of the person being photographed should not be tilted up, down or to the side. It should cover about 50% of the area of the photo.
Can hats or religious headgear be worn for the passport photo?
Unless worn daily for religious reasons, all hats or headgear should be removed for the photo. A signed statement from the applicant must be submitted with the application verifying the item is worn daily for religious reasons. In all cases, no item or attire should cover or otherwise obscure any part of the face.
Can eyeglasses be worn for the passport photo?
Eyeglasses worn on a daily basis can be worn for the photo. However, there should be no reflections from the eyeglasses that obscures the eyes.
Can sunglasses or tinted glasses be worn in a passport photo?
Dark glasses or nonprescription glasses with tinted lenses are not acceptable unless you need them for medical reasons. A medical certificate may be required.
Can work uniforms be worn for the passport photo?
Uniforms, clothing that looks like a uniform, and camouflage attire should not be worn in photographs except in the case of religious attire that is worn daily. Otherwise, normal street attire should be worn.
Can a parent or guardian appear in the passport photo of a minor child?
No, the minor child must be the only subject in the photo. Nothing used to support the minor child, whether by mechanical or human means, should be in the camera”s frame.
Are photos that are copied from recent driver licenses or other official documents acceptable?
No, only original photographs are acceptable. Copied or digitally scanned photos of photos will not be accepted. In addition, photos must not be retouched to alter the customer”s appearance in any way.
Are snapshots, magazine photos, or photos from vending machine acceptable?
No, snapshots, magazine photos, most vending machine prints, or full-length photographs are not acceptable.
May passport photos be taken with a digital camera?
If the digital camera has sufficient resolution – capable of capturing and storing images with 1 million pixels (megapixels) or more – it can be used to take the passport photos. However, printing of digital images is best done by professional photography processing labs because many off-the-shelf digital printers cannot achieve the image-quality required for passport and visa photographs. In any case, the image-quality criteria, described on this website, must be met in the submitted conventional film photo and/or the digital image printed photo.
Why can't I smile in my passport photo?
The International Civil Aviation Organization recommends that passport photos be taken with a neutral expression for use with facial recognition systems – advanced technology that helps prevent fraud by electronically verifying identity based on each person’s unique facial features.

We also specialize in Canadian Passport Photos, German Passport Photos

PLEASE NOTE: Photo-60 is not an acceptance facility for passport applications; we do not issue passports. You will find instructions on the application for submitting your photo and application to the State Department in Washington, D.C.

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