Photo-60 Studio

Film Processing North Carolina

by | Jul 10, 2018 | Miscellaneous

Type of Film Processing Service we Offer.

Photo-60 offers customers in North Carolina affordable film processing service. Get your 35mm film developed and scanned in High resolution for only $12.95 per roll. Get $2 OFF your first order by using the coupon code “ishootfilm”. We also process Disposable cameras, Advantix Film and 120/220 film. All photos are delivered via Dropbox (cloud storage), storage on DVD is optional. Customers can also add premium Kodak Prints for an additional $5 per set. for questions email [email protected].

Types of Film we Process…..










120/220 FILM 



3 Easy Steps to get your Film Developed…..

 Step 1: Gather up all your 35mm, Advanitx and 120/220 Film.



Step 2: Purchase the film processing service from us. Click on this Link to purchase film processing services.

Step 3: Once you have checked out you will receive an order confirmation with your order number and order details (see sample photo). Print that out and place it with all your film in a 6×9 padded envelope. Package securely and ship your order out. Please Ship to the Following Address “2602 Morse Lane Woodbridge VA 22192”  

Sample Email Order Confirmation



How much is return shipping?

Return shipping for up to 15 rolls via USPS First Class Mail is $3.95. Return shipping for 16 to 100 rolls of film is $9.95 via USPS Priority Mail.

What type of Films do we process?

We can only process C-41 35mm, 120/220, Disposable Cameras and Advantix (APS) film. For B/W we only process 35mm B/W Film. We DO NOT process 110 film, 126 or Kodak Disk Film.

How long does it take for film processing?

Standard turn-around for color film is a week, Professional Black and White film less than 2 weeks. We process color film every Friday and Black and White film every Thursday. Times can change due to workload and technical issues.

Do you process slide film?

We DO NOT process either Ektachrome or Kodachrome slide film. But we do offer slide scanning services.

What resolution are the scans?

Our standard resolution is 2048×3076. You can increase the resolution to 5035×3339 for an additional $4.95.

Where are you guys located?

We have 2 locations. Our main processing facility is at 2602 Morse Lane Woodbridge VA. That is where all our film processing orders are completed. We also have a location at 1309 H Street NE DC 20002 for drop-offs only. We DO NOT process film in the DC location, orders are accepted in Dc and fulfilled in the Woodbridge VA location.

Do I get my film returned after it has been processed?

Yes, we return the film back to the customer unless they choose our option to “Dispose of Film”.

How do I ship my film?

You can ship your film with a standard Poly Bubble Mailers using First Class Mail. The film is securely contained in its metal canister. Do not use a paper envelope that can easily tear or is not resistant to moisture. Make sure the padded envelope is securely sealed. You can purchase from using this link > Poly Bubbles mailers from Amazon.

Do you guys offer prints with film processing and scanning?

We do offer optional traditional silver halide Kodak Royal 4×6 prints or 5×7 prints for an additional cost for 12/24/36 exposure film. These prints are superior to inkjet or dye sublimation printers in terms or color and longevity.


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