Photo-60 Studio

APS (Advantix) Film Scanning


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Standard resolution is 3000 dpi (3591×2048) JPEG scans for just $8 per roll or upgrade for just $3 more (per roll) to the optional 4000 (4724×2694) dpi.

Images Adjusted for Density, Color, Contrast, Sharpness, shadows and highlights. Images are also rotated. Only $2.99 per roll.

We can name the canisters to the customers specified title. For example canister 680-390 titled “Prom 1999”. Only $1.99 per roll.

Our standard file format is JPEG but now we offer Tiff format for an additional $2.99. We use the uncompressed TIFF format meaning that no image data is lost after scanning. TIFF is a great choice for archiving images when all detail must be preserved and file size is not a consideration. TIFF files are very large in size compared to JPEGs because no compression is used.

We have 3 ways to deliver the files. Now, our standard delivery method is via a Dropbox Link. Easily download on your PC, Smartphone or Tablet (link added to your “Notes” section of your order confirmation) and easily share all of your images with family and friends with just forwarding a link. We also offer optional USB Stick 3.1 or onto a archival DVD.

If you like to add additional USB sticks to share with family and friends.

If you like to add additional DVDs to share with family and friends.


Take advantage of our great, flat-fee pricing – regardless of exposure count (15, 25, or 40 exposure). Standard resolution is 3,000 dpi (3591×2048) JPEG scans for just $8 per roll or optional 4,000 (4724×2694) dpi for $11 per roll.

• Images Scanned with Top of the Line Commerical Scanners

• Images Saved as Jpegs (Tiffs optional)

• Digital Ice Dust and Scratch Removal on Color Film and Ektachrome Slides
(Digital Ice does not work on B/W Film and Kodachrome Film)

Packing Instructions

APS film is self-contained in its own canister; do not attempt to remove it. If your canisters are in APS-specific film holders, you may send the film in them; the holders will be returned to you.


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